When and where is it on
The youth group meets the first Saturday of the month at 7:15 pm. It meets in Burwood at the corner of Shaftesbury and Paisley Road.
General principles
It is the parent’s duty and privilege to bring up children “in the training and instruction of the Lord”. (Eph 6:4). But the young groups supplement parental upbringing in a family context.
The youth group can provide a worthwhile opportunity for young people to meet each other, receive sound teaching and talk and socialise together. The youth group has a central committee made up of young people who decide on what activities the young people do. However, on the same basis that Paul advises that a novice should not be an overseer (1 Tim. 3:6), so too youth groups are not run solely by young people. It is right and proper that older brethren and sisters are actively involved to guide what is done, and to ensure that the Truth is clearly presented and upheld. In this way there is less division between young and old, which is a feature of the contemporary world but ought not to be a feature of those who constitute the ‘household of God’.

SCYP is a group for young people. SCYP means Sydney Christadelphian Young People. It is designed for young people between the age of 13 and 30. It has a good mixture of social activities and classes where the young people learn more about the Bible.
The young people are involved in activities that have a spiritual focus and include music, Biblical presentations, fun activities and meeting not only with you current friends but also making new friends!
The SCYP’s vision is:
To develop a cohesive, relevant and exciting youth group dedicated to the welfare of those within and without it to the Glory of God. We aim to provide the Youth of Sydney with the opportunity to worship God, develop spiritually and socially enjoy themselves!
For more information please go to the SCYP website: www.scyp.net