Sunday School is held at the ecclesial hall.
When it is on
Every Sunday commencing at 9:20 am.
The class usually finishes around 10:30 am.
Term 3: Sunday 23 July to Sunday 17 September 2023 (inclusive)
Term 4: Sunday 15 October to Sunday 10 December 2023 (inclusive)
The class is in recess during school holidays.
It is a well known fact that what we learn in our early years will guide the way we live when become a adult.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6
That is why it is important that children learn what is “right” and what is “wrong” from a early age so that they can apply these rules during their whole life. The Bible is the only true moral guide and it sets the standard of the true and perfect standard of morality.
The encouragement and teaching of the young, particularly the children of believers, is a important responsibility. It is the parent’s duty and privilege to bring up children “in the training and instruction of the Lord”. (Ephesians 6:4). But the ecclesia also has a role to supplement and support the parents of the children. Sunday school provides not only instruction in Bible teaching but also the companionship of the children and the development of valuable friendships.
Structure of the school
The Sunday School caters for children of all ages – it is made up of children from the age of four through to young adults. Within the school there are a number of classes which are based on the children’s ages. In this way, children of similar age can learn the Bible together.
What is taught?
All lessons are based on the Bible. They teach about Bible characters, events and themes. There are a series of lesson books especially written for use in Christadelphian Sunday Schools. The lesson notes are grouped in the following aged groups:
Kindergarten 4-5 years
Primary 6-8 years
Junior 9-11 years
Intermediate 12-14 years
Senior 15 years and over
For more information about what is taught please visit the following website:
The teachers
The Sunday school teachers are all members of this ecclesia. They approach each Sunday’s class by finding the subject of that lesson and then deciding how best to treat that subject and what lessons he/she aims to teach. The teachers will sometimes adapt the lessons to cater for special needs and interests of children in their class.
Special end of year Sunday School event
Around late November or early December of each year the Sunday School students can participate in a special event. The aim of the event includes the acknowledgement of the work and effort of Sunday School students during the year, to bring the work of the school before the Ecclesia and to present a message from the lessons in a varied manner to those attending. The children usually sing songs, act in plays and do recitations in front of members of the ecclesia. They are also given prizes as a recognition of their efforts in class during the year.
The next prize giving will be 10 December 2023 at 9:30 am.